Friday, September 14, 2012

Minty Chocolate Chews 9.12.12

I finally measured out my mint.

10g fresh mint
2 oz light corn syrup
4 oz semisweet chocolate
1/4 t warm water

I left the minty corn syrup in the fridge overnight, and I think either the sugar crystalized strangely or the syrup got moldy because after demolding the chocolates they look moldy.  It could also mean I need to cool the chocolate quicker or store the candy in the fridge.  But considering the nature of the ingredients, as with most candy, these should be fine at room temp.  So I blame trying to make these over two days. From now on I'll do it all in one day.

I do really like the new molds, though.  And I found paper cups that fit these candies well.  (Wilton candy cups, 1 in diameter)

1 comment:

  1. Highly unlikely its actual mold and is probably a fat or sugar bloom... potentially related to the chocolate not being properly tempered.
