Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Snowballs 9.28.11

I think I'm going to refer to these delicious buttery cookies as snowballs.  That's what they're called in Baking Illustrated, and since I'm such a fan of winter it seems more appropriate than the countless culturally-referenced names out there which imply authentic recipes handed down for generations.  But my inspiration to make these cookies didn't come from a family recipe; hence, snowballs it is!

I used the appropriate amount of flour (still no nuts), and the cookies held their round shape much better without sacrificing flavor.  Second try was better than the first, but they were still hard to eat, as the sugar coats your mouth and it makes it hard to chew them.  So I'm going to abandon this recipe and try the recipe from Baking Illustrated.  If the Baking Illustrated recipe doesn't meet the bar, I can revert to the first recipe and make the cookies smaller with less powdered sugar.

Despite being hard to eat, these cookies are super yummy.

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