Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pastry Cream Part II

Our practical tomorrow is on pastry cream, so I decided to try using the Gisslen pastry with a Splenda substitute (instead of using the recipe from the Splenda book).  I prefer the adapted recipe here much more over the one from the Splenda book.  Besides adding the correct amount of vanilla :P, the cream tastes much richer than the first recipe I tried. 

Here's my adapted recipe

2 c milk
60 g sugar
45 g egg yolk
60 g whole egg
40 g cornstarch, sifted
8 g Splenda
30 g butter
1 1/2 t vanilla extract

Makeup: Stir milk and sugar in a saucepan and bring just to a boil.  Whip egg yolks and eggs .  Beat in cornstarch and sugar into eggs until perfectly smooth.  Temper egg mixture with hot milk mixture.  Return the mixture to the heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.  Remove mixture from heat and stir until mixture cools to 100 degrees F.  Stir in butter and vanilla.  Mix until completely blended.  Pour into a shallow pan and cover with plastic wrap placed directly in contact with the surface of the cream to prevent a crust from forming.  Cool and chill as quickly as possible.

The only thing I would try differently next time, is to use Splenda in the milk mixture and sugar in the egg mixture (instead of the opposite which I use above) since sugar slows egg coagulation in custards.  It is more important for the sugar to be blended with the egg mixture than the milk mixture, but I didn't think of this when I was making it.

I'm excited!  I feel ready for my test tomorrow.  :0)

The pastry cream came out pretty well.  Compared to the pastry cream in class, there is a lack flavour and sugar due to the missing sugar, but I'm not sure it would be that pronounced of a difference within say, a fruit tart.

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